The investor, accompanied by the Development Corporation, will increase the number of roadside service projects


The company "Irbis-RB", whose projects are under the supervision of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan, intends to build 12 roadside service facilities and gas stations in Bashkortostan by 2024. Earlier it was reported about five planned projects. The amount of investments is estimated at 1.5 billion rubles with the creation of 200 jobs. The corresponding agreement between the regional government and the investor was concluded on the sidelines of SPIEF-2022. One of the projects – «Construction of a gas station with a cafe and a mini-market » has already been implemented. There are six more similar complexes in the queue. In addition, five more investment projects are under development.

- The main goal of these projects is to create comfortable conditions and systematically improve the quality of service for road users. It is planned that all complexes will be located mainly within the Ufa district. Two will be placed within the city limits. So, at the gas station, drivers will be able to refuel with innovative XTRim fuel with improved characteristics, have a snack, relax and purchase related products," said Nail Gabbasov, General Director of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Thanks to systematic work with the investor and relevant departments, we have prepared the necessary documentation to include investment projects in the Priority List with the receipt of state support measures.

According to the company's representatives, cooperation with the Development Corporation makes it possible to promptly resolve emerging issues, interact with authorities and resource-supplying organizations, which also affects the pace of project implementation.

Earlier, the first gas station of the Irbis network in Bashkortostan was visited by the Head of the region Radiy Khabirov, who suggested that the investor consider the possibility of increasing the network of services throughout the republic.

Recall that the Government of the Republic approved the Concept of roadside service development for 2020 - 2024, according to which 1,000 new roadside complexes should be built in Bashkortostan in four years, the same number will be modernized and decorated in a single style.