In Bashkortostan, business was offered to invest in the construction of a brick factory


A new business proposal for the creation of a brick production enterprise in the Mishkinsky district has been developed by project managers of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The budget of the investment project is 155 million rubles, it is planned to create 74 new jobs.

– Mishkinsky district is rich in stocks of building materials: clay, sand, agro-ore. There are four deposits of brick clays and loams on its territory," said Nail Gabbasov, General Director of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The establishment of an enterprise here will improve the structure of the production of building materials focused on the domestic market, increase the personnel potential of the production complex of the republic, increase the contribution of the industry to the socio-economic development of the region and increase the volume of payments to the budget system.

In addition to financial indicators, the business proposal contains proposed measures of state support. Thus, an investor will be able to count on the inclusion of an investment project in the List of priority investment projects of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the provision of a land plot for rent without bidding and tax benefits. It should be noted that when implementing this business proposal, the investor will be provided with support from the Development Corporation. A personal project manager will assist in the investor's interaction with relevant departments and the management of the municipal district, preparation and submission of documentation for inclusion of the investment project in the priority List, etc.

These other business proposals can be found on the website in the section «Business cases».

For reference:

The Development Corporation of the Republic of Belarus is engaged in the support of investment projects at all stages of their implementation, working in a single window format. Specialists accompany projects free of charge at all stages of their implementation, from concept development to implementation and commissioning of facilities. The experience of employees allows them to get involved in working with an investment project at any stage and effectively solve the tasks. Managers are ready to provide comprehensive support to all investors interested in developing their business in the Republic of Bashkortostan and become a reliable partner for them. Detailed information about the department's services and business offers of interest by phone (347)214-90-70.