The experience of the Bashkortostan Development Corporation is noted as the best practice among the regions of Russia


The experience of the Bashkortostan Development Corporation is noted as the best practice among the regions of Russia for the development of entrepreneurship. The portal of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives "ASI Smarteka" has published information about virtual tours of free investment sites in 360 format. The Development Corporation actively uses this tool in its work to attract investors.

The publication on this portal is recognized by professionals working in the field of attracting investments to the regions. To date, from the users of the resource "ASI Smarteka" we see interest in our developments. This is evidenced by the questions coming from different regions and requests to analyze in detail the nuances of creating tours during online meetings," said Nail Gabbasov, Director General of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

The tool for exploring free investment sites through virtual tours was introduced by the Development Corporation in 2021. To date, 130 tours of 160 venues are available for viewing.

A virtual tour will help the investor to fully see the land plot, practically walk around it without leaving the area, and make a decision on the implementation of the investment project on the proposed territory. The 360-degree overview allows you to get acquainted with the basic information about the facilities, engineering infrastructure, characteristics of land plots and real estate located within the site, Nail Gabbasov emphasized. For the first time, the concept of virtual tours was presented as part of the International Business Week 2021. The leadership of the region, as well as speakers and forum participants highly appreciated the innovation, which will significantly simplify the process of investor entry into the region.

You can get acquainted with virtual tours in the section «Virtual tours of the venues of the Republic of Bashkortostan».

For reference:

JSC "Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan" provides services in the field of support of investment projects in the Republic of Bashkortostan at all stages of their implementation, from the development of the project concept to its implementation and commissioning of facilities. The experience of the corporation's specialists allows them to get involved in working with an investment project at any stage and effectively solve the tasks set. KRRB is ready to provide comprehensive support to all investors interested in developing their business in the Republic of Bashkortostan and become a reliable partner for them. Detailed information on on the website or by phone +7(347)214-90-70.

Portal «ASI Smarteka » / – is a best practices search service created for change leaders: heads of regions, their management teams and all concerned people. The resource contains the best regional practices from different industries.